Lots of projects in
the pipe…I finished painting up
the sMG42 team...
Sadly, the Panzer IVH Platoon GBX79 I ordered was an older box with the incorrect 8-spoke rear idler wheel and 4-panel Schürzen. This has since been changed but it must have been old stock. I fired an email off to Battlefront, who are sending out the correct Schürzen panels taken from the OOP older resin GBX79. I got mine in record time - kudos to BF Customer service! Too bad design and research aren't as good!
Unfortunately I could not get the panels to work with either the old or new mounting rails as the triangle spikes do not line up with the panels (2 per panel). So I removed the mounting supports and covered over the scars with zimmerit done with a soldering iron.
This is a great improvement over the previous resin offering from Battlefront. That said, there are a few minor tweaks you can make. The turret cupola is too high. Sand off the cupola mounting peg and a bit off the bottom to bring it more into scale. The main gun mantlet fit is poor and will need some filler. Also you can add zimmerit on the sides and shield.
Incredible attention to detail, as usual. Works of engineering and art!
Cool! I'm excited to see the finished results! I got several of the "Tanks!" box sets from my kids for Christmas... the Puma is a really good set too with a few different vehicle options.
You're a madman...but it's great seeing what you can do!
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