Hey All!
Though I detest chain-letters of any sort, a tool for self-promotion and exposure for a small wargaming blog is never a bad thing so it is with some reservations that I accept my nomination (a declination assures the world will end) of the Liebster Award. A thank-you goes out to my nominator for the Liebster Blog Award,
Rules Of The Liebster Award
(subject to change...)
If you have been nominated for The Liebster Award and accept, post an entry about the Liebster award in which you:
1. Thank the person who nominated you, and post a link to their blog on your blog.
2. Display the award on your blog.
3. Answer 11 questions about yourself, which will be provided to you by the person who nominated you.
4. Provide 11 random facts about yourself.
5. Nominate 11 blogs that you feel deserve the award, who have a less than 200 followers.
6. Create a new list of questions for your nominees to answer.
7. List these rules in your post.
8. Inform the people/blogs that you nominated that they have been nominated for the Liebster award and provide a link for them to your post.
'Nuff of the rules - here goes...
Questions Provided by Nominator:
1. Why did you start blogging?
A place to bitch and boast. Whats good, whats bad, and what have I been painting.
2. If you could change one thing about the wargaming hobby, what would it be?
Ban lead in miniatures.
3. What is best in life?
rainy day off work, hands down. That way I don't feel guilty for spending the day painting.
4. Do you read Battle Reports and what makes them inviting to read?
Yes I do and humor is the key to a good one.
5. Fame or fortune?
Fame, it last longer than the money.
6. What miniatures are you most proud of having painted?
It's of a 6mm (1/285th) scale GHQ mini that I painted about twenty (!) years ago. While it is a blurry and poor resolution picture, this was the first picture that I ever sent in to them for publication.
7. How do you deal with burnout?
Switching projects usually does the trick although this leads to the other dreaded painting ailment 'Tomaniprojektocious' which in turn can cause stage 2 burnout.
8. Is figure painting a chore or pleasure?
For others, work. For yourself, pure bliss!
9. Star Wars or Star Trek?
Star Wars - saw the first one in a movie theater in '77 where I also experienced my first smell of pot! I would have been about 10. Best movie ever...till Platoon.
10. If you could only buy from one miniature company from now on, which one would it be?
Still looking for a Company that details like GHQ, but in a larger scale, 15-20mm. Currently, my needs are been filled by Battlefront but my eyes are wandering...
11. Could you limit your gaming and collecting to one period and one size? If so, what?
Unlimited budget, WWII 20mm. The scale is just big enough to see details at arms length but you can still have a good game on a table.
Eleven Random Facts 'bout me:
I hate greed. I love the smell of wood sawdust. I have a healthy respect for Bears. I cannot start without coffee. I love to listen to Trance while painting; um-tiss...um-tiss...um-tiss...I really enjoy others painted miniatures. I am afraid of my eyesight failing before I have painted enough minis. I think we are doomed as a civilization unless we stop burning fossil fuels. I wish I could be more organized. I skip Youtube ads.
I suck at Basketball.
And here are my eleven nominees (in absolutely no particular order):
Scary Biscuits Studios
Mini Ordnance Review
Rust and the City
Breakthrough Assault
WWII Central
Crac des Chevaliers
Minutiae of War
Model Dads
Counting Rivets
Eleven Questions for Nominees (stolen and added to):
1. Who is your current hero?
2. If you could change one thing about the wargaming hobby, what would it be?
3. What is best in life?
4. Do you read Battle Reports and what makes them inviting to read?
5. FOW or Squad Leader?
6. What miniatures are you most proud of having painted?
7. How do you deal with burnout?
8. Whats better; Gaming at home or at Cons?
9. Which Front do you prefer to game; East or West?
10. If you could only buy from one miniature company from now on, which one would it be?
11. Could you limit your gaming and collecting to one period and one size? If so, what?
Back at Ya!