Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Damn Near Done

Hey All!

A few pictures of the two T34s...

  I think I may have overdusted the rear and top of the minis - sometime less is more. One has to be careful using the airbrush; you stand the chance of overpowering all your earlier work!

 Still have to matt varnish over the decals and such. I really had to imbellish the grillwork as the detail was just not there.

 I may add some grass clumps and mud to the running gear to cover the flaws in the tracks and wheels but overall, these are pretty good minis.

 I used mostly Tamiya for base coat with Vallejo washes and filters. The base color is XF-58 Olive Green lightened 2 to 1 with XF-4 Yellow Green.



Saturday, April 14, 2012

Other Colors, Projects and T34/76 Platoon

Hey All!

With the con a fond memory, I have begun to finish up some project that have been languishing for awhile namely, a Soviet 82mm mortar section, a few more platoon HQs for Soviets and Germans, a Soviet Assault squad w/PPSHs (part of a platoon in  the works), a Soviet 1st Line Squad, a Pzkfw IVF2, and a couple T34/76B M41s. In total 22 figures, 2 mortars and 3 tanks.

The M41 T34/76Bs are Battlefront SU052 T-34 obr 1941 and are to complete an early Soviet T34 platoon I started about 2 years ago (Holy crap Ritter!). I added brass barrels, a tow rope and not much else. Minimalistic. I have a single T34/76A M40 finished (bottom of pic) with the L11 main gun that I bought a few years back but it doesn't seem to be available anymore. The M40 was a rare bird indeed (less than 150 completed) so I doubt Bf will reissue soon but maybe when they add the BT series, they will reissue...I think the difference in the models will be negligible on the game table and its plausible that the platoon may have had mixed types as I have seen this in pictures.

The base color is Tamiya XF-58 Olive Green but this will be brightened with additional colors as it its too dark. While terrible for brushwork, Tamiya paints seem to airbrush best at least better than Vallejo Model Color and since I have a bunch of old Tamiya, I plan on using them up first before trying Vallejo Model Air. I thin with water and Isoproply and get a dead flat finish.

I did a bit of cutting and gluing of heads, arms and weapons on a fair bit of the figures in this group - I will detail these changes in a future post - mostly to add interest to the teams. I also picked up a few more LW Soviet Infantry to add some interest to my MW teams - simply remove the shoulder boards and maybe point the end of the collar. Overall, detail is exceptional and more realistically proportioned than the early offerings. There are some excellent detailed faces in the LW blisters but many field-capped figures are too skinny to be used with the MW figures. There are some great original poses though especially the Officers! 

The Pz IVf2 (ok, early G) has a new barrel and recoil sleeve made from brass (the originals are very out of round - more oval really and have a rough surface and bad flash), a few helmets and a tow cable.

I may add a pail too. I think I will paint it up to look like vehicles seen at Stalingrad - perhaps with camo bands. Not too sure of the camo color but I have done some in 6mm like these below:

They color may be right but I have recently found a few good color photos that show more of a dark yellow or brown over panzer grey...

Is that Dunkelgelb??! I think it may be! Comments?

I scratchbuilt a Soviet mortar (right) , only using the baseplate from the original (left). I backdated it to the 82mm PM-37 model, adding a new tube, shock, and elevation mechanism.

A cool thing that I found while searching the 'net is a wet palette setup for acrylic paints. Simply a piece of wax paper over wet tissue (toilet) paper. Keeps Vallejo paint usable for about 2-5 days - no seriously! Even longer when you cover at the end of a painting session. Just keep the tissue wet.

I have been dabbling in some of Vallejos other colors (Game color line) and have found that there are a few good colors that fill the holes in the Model Color line namely;

72042 Parasite Brown: Good base color for rust (add black), lighter wood on rifles/smgs (add Tan Yellow)

72145 Heavy Grey: Good starting base for fieldgrey - much better than 830 Vallejo Fieldgrey model color as it is too dark for 15mm.

72031 Camoflaged Green: That 'in between green' not too yellow and not too blue. Great for many different things.



Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Trumpeter Salute 2012

Hey All!

A few pictures from an AWESOME weekend in Burnaby (Vancouver) at the Salute 2012!  This is British Columbia's premier wargaming con and it was very well attended. There were a variety of periods gamed as well as fantasy (they keep the grey-haired historical wargamers in a separate room from the fantasy whipper snappers crowd).

A shot of my map setup for 15mm WWII using 'Schwere Kompanie' rules. The Germans attacked, (from the top of map) Soviets defended a small village early in the war on the East front.

An overhead shot of the German forces. A Kompanies worth of Infantry with a section of sMG34s and a mortar attached. A PzIV, a PzIII and a SPW 251 round out the force.

The grognards take on some unsuspecting newbs...game 1. Germans recieved a fairly sound thrashing. Hopefully converted some from the fantasy crowd! Pictured clockwise from left bottom are: Ken, Randy, William, Ben and Tom.

A few more Generals below...

Thomas, looking the part in his fieldgrey..."I know nossing!"
Tim and his VERY patient Wife. 

Mark - perhaps too much wodka Comrade?!

Ted and Martin. I enjoyed Teds game on Friday night - thanks Ted!
"My game is numba one!"
Martin and Tony. Tony almost played...hopefully we can get him into a game next year!

Martin was able to join late on our second game. He decided to attend a childs bithday first...

"Hey Martin, kids will have other birthdays, but theres only one Salute 2012...yeeesh!"

"That guy is picking on me!" ...Is that a bald spot Ritter?!

Kens jaw drops as the Die Jungen begin the attack.  Looks like John wants to play..."Man I'd be like blitzin' up that flank 'n goosesteppin' all over these sunflowers!" 

A couple of shots from the two games...

 A German platoon setup in the forest...
A birds-eye view of an excellent mortar position dominating the approach to the village...

Cautious German advance behind a smoke screen...

 German grenadiers attempt to silence a PTRD ATR that immoblized the SPW 251 just out of the pic. Though suppressed, the ATR escaped into the wheatfield...
 A T26S burns after emerging from the haystack on the right...When you think you have a rule for everything, wargamers will come up with something new..."so I wanna setup my tank in the haystack...huh...why the hell not?"!

The bulk of the Germans skirt the hill...

"Panzers Marsch!"

A welcome change from the hotdogs...Greek food! Oh ya!

Game hosts at the Con get a couple vouchers for canteen treats - Nice!

The Salute does have a great location near Metrotown. There are lots of good eats in the foodcourt.

My second game won the Best of Show and was awarded a $50.00 gift card to Imperial Hobbies in Richmond which is WELL worth the trip! IMO the BEST game shop in Vancouver!

So good, I had to go twice in the week!

Wargame groupies...

